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Why Laser Cutting Should Be Used to Make Your Perforated Products

Different methods can be used to do metal perforation. For example, a traditional perforating machine can be used. Alternatively, a laser-cutting machine can be used to perforate the sheet metal. This article discusses why laser cutting should be used to perforate your sheet metal products (such as outdoor signs) instead of the other perforating methods (such as turret punching or using a perforating machine). 

High Degree of Accuracy

Traditional perforating equipment requires the setting up of tools (such as punching dies) to replicate the desired pattern on the metal. These methods may not be very accurate in depicting intricate patterns (such as the company logo). Laser cutters produce accurate perforations because they are based on a computer image. Computer software controls the CNC (computer numerical control) machine so that the image on the perforated sheet metal is identical to the image in the computer program.

Quicker Delivery of Products

Another key advantage of laser cutting during metal perforation is that you will receive the finished products sooner than you would have received the products if another method were used. This speedy completion is because design changes to the product can be done fast by tapping the needed changes into the computer image. This is different from perforating machines that require the set up of different dies to accommodate the different dimensions of perforation holes (such as bigger circles). The laser-cutting machine can also punch holes of different sizes at the same time, while other perforating methods require a single type or size of hole to be punched before the equipment is reset to punch other sizes or types of holes.

Minimal Damage to Products

Laser cutting machines do not contact the material that is being perforated. This protects that material from the possible damage that could have resulted from the mechanical force exerted by the punching die on the metal being perforated. Additionally, the laser makes a clean cut by melting the material at the point where the perforations are needed. This does not leave any burrs that can later cause the perforated material to fail (when the turret damages the corrosion protection, for example).

As you can see, you need to play active role in determining the method that is used to perforate your metal products. Insist on the laser cutting method and you will enjoy the quality and cost benefits that the method offers. In case you have other questions about how the method works, consult a metal perforation professional and he or she will address your concerns.
